Material Setting Guides

Test Parameters

Diode Laser 20W Test Parameters - Scratch Acrylic

Diode Laser Test Parameters - Scratch Leather

Made by Creators

Holger Conrad

Mechanical: 60W Fiber MOPA
Speed: 1000mm/s
Power: 6.5%
DPI: 653

Jack Daniel

Mechanical: Aterz L2
Speed: 151mm/s
Power: 28.20%
DPI: -

Virginie Roëre Perso

Mechanical: sculptfun s10
Speed: 5000mm/min
Power: 17%
DPI: -

Christophe Zloch

Mechanical: Neje e80
Speed: 10000mm/s
Power: 10%
DPI: 318

Julien Tlfm

Mechanical: ACMER P2 10w
Speed: 3000mm/m
Power: 10%
DPI: -

Harold Bouwmeester

Mechanical: JPT 50w Haotian
Speed: 500mm/s
Power: 11%
DPI: 508

Brandon Tolman

Mechanical: xTool D1 pro 20w
Speed: 133mm/s
Power: 12%
DPI: -

Brandon Tolman

Mechanical: xTool F1
Speed: -
Power: 44%
DPI: 318

Paul Riley

Mechanical: Co2 40w
Speed: 250mm/s
Power: 10%
DPI: 318

Éric Bédard

Mechanical: Ortur OLM3 - 10W
Speed: 10000mm/min
Power: 30%
DPI: -

Nicky Norton

Mechanical: OMG JPT 60 watt MOPA
Speed: 2000mm/min
Power: 10%
DPI: 508

Nicky Norton

Mechanical: OLM3 with Opt Lasers PL3D-HT-50 (5 watt diode)
Speed: 4000mm/min
Power: 4.50%
DPI: 747

Gary Noble

Mechanical: xTool S1 40W
Speed: 325mm/s
Power: 10%
DPI: -

EB3D Customs

Mechanical: 10w Falcon Module
Speed: 3800mm/min
Power: 20%
DPI: 254

Stan Miller

Mechanical: Comgrow Z1 10Watt
Speed: 5500 mm/m
Power: 27.50%
DPI: 318

Mikk Towers

Mechanical: Algolaser Alpha 20W diode laser
Speed: 11,000mm/min
Power: 15%
DPI: 254

Mikk Towers

Mechanical: Algolaser Alpha 20W diode laser
Speed: 7560mm/min
Power: 24%
DPI: 254

Buffalo Bullion

Mechanical: 100w Fiber mopa
Speed: 100mm/s
Power: 3%
DPI: 508

Holger Conrad

Mechanical: 60W MOPA
Speed: 1500mm/s
Power: 13.50%
DPI: 423

Made by creators

Mechanical: 60W Fiber MOPA
Speed: 1000mm/s
Power: 6.5%
DPI: 653

Holger Conrad

Mechanical: Aterz L2
Speed: 151mm/s
Power: 28.20%
DPI: -

Jack Daniel

Mechanical: sculptfun s10
Speed: 5000mm/min
Power: 17%
DPI: -

Virginie Roëre Perso

Mechanical: Neje e80
Speed: 10000mm/s
Power: 10%
DPI: 318

Christophe Zloch

Mechanical: ACMER P2 10w
Speed: 3000mm/m
Power: 10%
DPI: -

Julien Tlfm

Mechanical: JPT 50w Haotian
Speed: 500mm/s
Power: 11%
DPI: 508

Harold Bouwmeester

Mechanical: xTool D1 pro 20w
Speed: 133mm/s
Power: 12%
DPI: -

Brandon Tolman

Mechanical: xTool F1
Speed: -
Power: 44%
DPI: 318

Brandon Tolman

Mechanical: Co2 40w
Speed: 250mm/s
Power: 10%
DPI: 318

Paul Riley

Mechanical: Ortur OLM3 - 10W
Speed: 10000mm/min
Power: 30%
DPI: -

Éric Bédard

Mechanical: OMG JPT 60 watt MOPA
Speed: 2000mm/min
Power: 10%
DPI: 508

Nicky Norton

Mechanical: OLM3 with Opt Lasers PL3D-HT-50 (5 watt diode)
Speed: 4000mm/min
Power: 4.50%
DPI: 747

Nicky Norton

Mechanical: xTool S1 40W
Speed: 325mm/s
Power: 10%
DPI: -

Gary Noble

Mechanical: 10w Falcon Module
Speed: 3800mm/min
Power: 20%
DPI: 254

EB3D Customs

Mechanical: Comgrow Z1 10Watt
Speed: 5500 mm/m
Power: 27.50%
DPI: 318

Stan Miller

Mechanical: Algolaser Alpha 20W diode laser
Speed: 11,000mm/min
Power: 15%
DPI: 254

Mikk Towers

Mechanical: Algolaser Alpha 20W diode laser
Speed: 7560mm/min
Power: 24%
DPI: 254

Mikk Towers

Mechanical: 100w Fiber mopa
Speed: 100mm/s
Power: 3%
DPI: 508

Buffalo Bullion

Mechanical: 60W MOPA
Speed: 1500mm/s
Power: 13.50%
DPI: 423

Holger Conrad